Big or small there's no "Miner" detail that goes unnoticed in your business. Use the form to send us an email or give us a call at the number shown.

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Request A Custom Quote

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Business / Facility Name(*)
Please give us the name of the business or location you're needing a quote for.

Choose Your Industry(*)
Please choose one

Full Name(*)
Please enter your name for contact reference

Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number to reach you at - ex. 888-888-8888

Email Address(*)
Please enter an email address so we can contact you back.

Physical Address

Invalid Input

Approx. Sq. Footage(*)
Please estimate your square footage to the best of your knowledge

Number of Employees
Invalid Input

Is it being cleaned already?(*)
Please select one

If Yes, why are you looking to change?


Frequency Of Services

Please choose one


Please choose one

Do you need us to monitor/restock paper supplies & trash liners?(*)
Please choose one

Other regularly scheduled or one time services Miner & Sons provides

Please check all that apply

Invalid Input

Invalid Input


Start with a phone call and we'll go from there!

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